Group Registrations
​Do you want to enter the Belly Be Gone Challenge as a group? Special discounts are available for groups of 4 or more registrations. Group registrations are a great idea for your staff, organization or business.
Perhaps you are the Health Director for a community and want to enter members for the challenge? Not a problem, I can help with that.
Perhaps you are the Health Director for your corporation or organization and want to register staff for the challenge? Not a problem, I can help with that.
Or maybe you want to enter with your friends or family, not a problem I can help with that.
The Belly Be Gone Challenge is a great way to help your staff or community members drop body weight and get fit. It's fun, exciting and best of all it you can do it as a team!
I can work with your business, organization, or community to provide group rates.
Ask about the Belly Be Gone Challenge Group Plan. Simply send me an email to:
In the subject line state: "Blake, I am interested in group registration"
I will get back to you ASAP.
You can also send me a Facebook message at:
Remember, Stay safe and Stay strong!
-Blake Bissaillion